Bulletin Announcements 10/2/24

Men are studying the Book of 2 Samuel. Women are in a study of the book of 1 Timothy. Join us 7-8 PM. Contact Pastor Greg or Donna for information.

WOMEN’S RETREAT // November 15-17th
Our Women’s retreat this year is November 15th to 17th. We will be over expanding lodging again to additional cottages. If you want to secure a sport this year in the Lodge, put in a deposit and let Donna know you want to be in the Lodge. Our Theme is the ‘Bride of Christ’ (Revelation 19:7, ‘Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.’) We will be at the Del Oro Conference Center in the Blue Jay Lodge. The cost is $210 for double occupancy and $251 for single occupancy which includes 2 nights/5 meals. There is a sign-up sheet on the information table. Let Donna know if you can help with the retreat.

YOUTH GROUP // First and Third Sunday of the Month
Youth Group meets next on October 6th. See Matt Signorello for information.

YOUTH INNERSTATE // Tuesdays at 6:30 PM
Innerstate is held each week at 6:30 PM on Tuesdays. All youth are invited. See Pastor Luke for information.

RECOVERY MINISTRY // Saturdays at 9:00 AM
Recovery group meets in the children’s worship room on Saturdays at 9:00 AM. See Ray Ortiz for information.

Men are studying the Book of 2 Samuel. Women are in a study of the book of 1 Timothy. Join us 7-8 PM. Contact Pastor Greg or Donna for information.

WOMEN’S RETREAT // November 15-17th
Our Women’s retreat this year is November 15th to 17th. We will be over expanding lodging again to additional cottages. If you want to secure a sport this year in the Lodge, put in a deposit and let Donna know you want to be in the Lodge. Our Theme is the ‘Bride of Christ’ (Revelation 19:7, ‘Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.’) We will be at the Del Oro Conference Center in the Blue Jay Lodge. The cost is $210 for double occupancy and $251 for single occupancy which includes 2 nights/5 meals. There is a sign-up sheet on the information table. Let Donna know if you can help with the retreat.

YOUTH GROUP // First and Third Sunday of the Month
Youth Group meets next on October 6th. See Matt Signorello for information.

YOUTH INNERSTATE // Tuesdays at 6:30 PM
Innerstate is held each week at 6:30 PM on Tuesdays. All youth are invited. See Pastor Luke for information.

RECOVERY MINISTRY // Saturdays at 9:00 AM
Recovery group meets in the children’s worship room on Saturdays at 9:00 AM. See Ray Ortiz for information.

SAVE THE DATE // Saturday, December 7th
Our Adult Christmas Party will be on Saturday, December 7th at 6:00 PM. Mark your calendar now.